It started as of the 10th of August, though the official release date of the website to the public may come in some years from now. I started this project as a way of learning front end and backend developing.
When the domain will be aquired I suppose it will most likely be called The main point of this website will also be to learn programming languages. More on that I will add later:



The website originally started as a way of me doing js projects. I have already rebooted it many times and it will most likely stay without any three.js as i promised in the beginning. The most likely outcome of this site will be as a CV/passion project/dump for all my programs, which will from now on mostly if not all be in other programming languages. The reason why you can see a Three.js image is that it was originally supposed to be a threejs rddled website, which i have given up on since I want to do more programming with actual languages.

So far I have gone through many reboots. It has taken me a couple of days of deciding on the theme, but now that its all more minimalistic it does seem to have a nice or at least nicer atmosphere.

P.S. I decided to add a secret hidden easter egg into the website, so if you found it, WOW.